Queer Arti(vi)st, Performer, Drag Queen, Feminist, Curator
Erotic Lunch - Trilogy
Cinque Sensi - January 19th - Rome - Conventicola degli Ultramoderni
Afrodisia - February 23rd - Rome - Conventicola degli Ultramoderni
I frutti del peccato - April 6th - Rome - Rumah, Largo Venue
Lo schizzo
written and directed by Maura Gigliotti, with Senith - theatre
Fabruary 9th, Bologna, premiere, SpazioAltrove
March 23rd, Lecce
March 29th, Genova, Csoa Buridda
April 13th, Udine
Pop Bar - Milan
March 8th - 11pm
Morsi di Erotic Lunch
Chez Moi - Piacenza
March 9th
7pm and 9 pm
Morsi di Erotic Lunch - special edition for
Polmone Pulsante Art Gallery
March 17th, April 14th, May 12
7pm and 9 pm
May 2nd - BAD ASSolo
info soon
May 4th- Victor Victoria Workshop
May 5th - BAD ASSolo
info soon
Eventi Passati
February 23rd - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ Conventicola degli Ultramoderni
February 15th - Rome - BAD ASSolo @ Witches are Back - Forte Prenestino
February 9th - Bologna - Lo Schizzo, theatre, premiere @ SpazioAltrove
January 19th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ Conventicola degli Ultramoderni
January 11th - Rome - Victoria Party - U-Kabarett @ 30 Formiche
December 16th - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch - Polmone Pulsante Art Gallery
December 13th - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch - private venue at La Tiberina Restaurant
November 24th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ Conventicola degli Ultramoderni
November 18th- Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch - Polmone Pulsante Art Gallery
November 16th - Roma, Victoria Party @ Sparwasser
November 16th - Roma, Levels Art Exibition, curated by Ignorarte
October 21st - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch - Polmone Pulsante Art Gallery
September 29th - Rome, Victoria Party by Queer Infection Lab
September 28/30 - Queer Infection Lab, artistic direction
July 20/22 - San Vittore del Lazio - Thphoea, photographic project by Eleonora Briscoe, exhib curated by Ars Ventis
July 18th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ Chef's Home
June 29th - Roma - Erotic Lunch Bites @ Habicura by Ignorarte
June 22nd - Padova - performance @ Padova Pride
June 21st - S.Vittore del Lazio- Erotic Lunch - private venue for Luxury Circus
May 27th - Rome - Erotic Lunch Bites - Polmone Pulsante Art Gallery
May 26th - Roma - Erotic Lunch - private venue for Luxury Circus
May 20th - Roma - performance @ UDKD
May 13th - Roma - Erotic Lunch - Teatro Alba
April 29th - Rome - Queerrida - the best at Hacker Porn Film Festival
April 25th - Rome - performance at Hacker Porn Film Festival
April 24/30 - live project manager for Hacker Porn Film Festival
April 15th - Rome - Finale Queerrida - Sparwasser Club
April 7th - Rome - performance at U-Kabarett
March 30th - Udine - BAD ASSolo - Collettivo Degenere
March 23rd - Roma - Erotic Lunch - HulaHoop Club
March 10th - Roma - Queerrida - HulaHoop Club
March 9th - Ljubljana - Red Dawns International Feminist Festival
February 17th - Roma - Queerrida @ HulaHoop Club
February 14th - Rome - Erotic Lunch - HulaHoop Club
February 10th - London - performance at Deep Trash Romance
January 28th - Rome - BAD ASSolo - HulaHoop Club
January 21st - Rome - Erotic Lunch - HulaHoop Club
January 6th - Zurich - performance at Les Complices*, Queer Futures Now
December 15th - Rome - Erotic Lunch - La Bottega degli Artisti
November 26th - Rome - Erotic Lunch - HulaHoop Club
September 30th - Rome - Spruzzami, first studio
September 29th / October 1st - Rome - Queer Infection Lab, artistic direction
September, 23rd - Bologna - Some Prefer Cake Film Festival
September, 9th - Tunis Théatre Nationale - BAD ASSolo @ Festival International d'Art Feministe
July, 14th - Vercelli - Senith talks about GendErotica @ Queer Italia Network, University of Piemonte Orientale
July, 13th - Vercelli - BAD ASSolo @ Anacoleti Theatre
June, 10th - Rome - Roma Pride, co-organizer and performer of HulaHoop Track
May, 27th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ Dinner - HulaHoop Club
May, 7th - Rome -Victor/Victoria Lab @ Trasformare il Maschile
May, 6th - Rome - Queerrida @ HulaHoop Club
April, 27th - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch @ Hacker Porn Film Festival +
presentation of Guapa, web series project, with Cecilia Grasso
April, 23rd - Rome - performance @ Vault 41
April, 22nd - Rome -Victor/Victoria Lab @ La Vie en Rose-Circolo Mario Mieli
April, 9th - Rome - Erotic Lunch at Dinner @ PopPorn - Circolo Illuminati
April, 8th - Rome - Queerrida @ HulaHoop Club
April, 6th - Rome - About GendErotica @ HulaHoop Club
March 25th - Rome - Erotic Lunch at Dinner @ HulaHoop Club
March, 11th - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch, performance @ Amigdala
March, 4th - Rome - Queerrida @ HulaHoop Club
February, 26th - Rome - BurlAsque Venue @ Alba Theatre
February, 19th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ HulaHoop Club
January, 6th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ HulaHoop Club
December 18th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ HulaHoop Club
November 25th - Rome - Morsi di Erotic Lunch, performance @ Vault 41
November 19th - Padova - BAD ASSolo @ Festival De/Sidera
November 6th - Rome - Erotic Lunch @ HulaHoop Club
October 14th - Rome - BAD ASSolo @ Casa Internazionale delle Donne
October 11th - Rome - exibt 1 0 1 0 @ Mondrian Suite Gallery
September 30th - Rome - Scosse Night Party @ Communia
September 29th - Rome - Maxxi Museum - Performer in La luna in folle, project by Adelita Husni-Bey for Maxxi Prize 2016 - the video part of the project has been exposed at Maxxi Museum until March 12th, 2017
September 23rd - Rome - Amorucci @ Monk - Morsi di Erotic Lunch
September 16th - Rome - Casa Internazionale delle Donne - roman premiere of documentary "Al di là dello specchio"
June 18th - Palermo - Palermo Pride - Drag Queer Sciò (with Spruzzy)
June 15th - Florence - Toscana Pride Park - GendErotica Special Event
June 4th - Lecce - Casa Matta Occupata - BAD ASSolo - debut
May 14th - Rome - HulaHoop - Erotic Lunch
April 30th - Rome - HulaHoop - Queerrida, final night
April 24th - Rome - Quirinetta Theatre - Erotic Lunch
March 12th - Rome - HulaHoop - Queerrida
February 20th - Rome - HulaHoop - Queerrida
February 9th - Rome - HulaHoop - Erotic Lunch
January 16th - Rome - HulaHoop - Erotic Lunch
December 19th - Rome - Drag 'n' Live @ L'Asino che vola (with Revolution Radio Band and Spruzzy)
December 13th - Rome - HulaHoop - Erotic Lunch
December 6th - Rome - Quirinetta Theatre - Erotic Lunch
November 7th - Rome - Queerbellerie @ Spin Time Labs - performance
November 6th - Rome - Queerbellerie @ Spin Time Labs - workshop
September 5th - Rome - SCOSSE @ Communia - performance
from 2006 to 20015 check here